It is highly important to relieve off your stress and to mitigate all negative consequences for your life. Kelly McGonigal clearly states that stress in moderation can lead to positive improvements such as an increase of a dopamine level in the brain, better cognitive abilities and longer life expectancy.
An interesting fact is that a person needs stressful situations, as they play an important role in further favorable changes in the person's life. This is because such circumstances cause human body to release adrenaline in the person's blood, and there are also other biochemical reactions that help people to solve a particular problem, probably the one that has persisted over several years.
Sometimes we need to accept circumstances, create an action plan and to share our thoughts to alleviate the risk of cardiovascular diseases, dementia, a cabin fever or other maladies.
Also, a strong, prolonged and frequent stress leads to the development of a number of pathological changes manifested in various mental diseases, disorders of nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, immune, and other systems. The body becomes exhausted, weak, the person can no longer solve problems or get out of the stressful situation.
The first thing to do is to remove the irritant if it is possible. For example, to avoid a person who is prone to conflict. But it is always essential to stay positive about all circumstances and make an attempt to learn from an environment of your surrounding. Так ли страшен стресс, как его рисуют?
Сейчас эта тема как никогда актуальна: зачёты, экзамены, конец года...
А что, если посмотреть на него с другой стороны? В своем выступлении психолог Келли МакГонигал рассказывает, почему стоит относиться к стрессу немного иначе и как он может нам помочь.
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